Help us give lone soldiers the home they deserve.
Please help us provide our lone combat soldiers with the love and care they deserve. Your donation enables us to keep the Bayit (Home) and Guidance Center running, so we can continue to give our soldiers the best care possible.
We provide support to help the soldiers complete their service with comfort and dignity, and to help prepare them for civilian life. Donations are tax deductible in the Israel, United States, Canada, Australia, France and the U.K. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or at +972 9-7712723
Select your country

US Donations
Credit Card Online
Please select Benji Hillman Donation from the description.
For donors based in the U.S wishing to make a tax-deductible contribution, please make out a check to “P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds”, with a recommendation that it be used for The Benji Hillman Foundation, nonprofit number 580466332 and send it by mail to: P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, 630 Third Avenue, Suite 1501,New York NY 10017
Direct Bank Transfer
Wire Transfers:
If you wish to make a bank wire transfer to P.E.F. please contact: P.E.F. will reply with direct bank transfer details, authorize the donation, and forward it to Benji Hillman Foundation, as well as send a tax-deductible receipt.
Once you have made the wire transfer, please advise us at about the exact amount that you have transferred and when so that we can identify the transfer when it comes in.
Please note: All contributions sent to P.E.F. must state that the donation is for The Benji Hillman Foundation Amuta/Registration Number: 580466332 using the exact name and registration number.
You will receive a tax receipt from P.E.F. (not directly from the Benji Hillman Foundation)

Israel Donations
Credit Card Online
Please send your check made out to “Keren Benji Hillman” to: “Keren Benji Hillman“, Hahayil 7/7 Raanana 4331604.
Direct Bank Transfer
Direct bank transfers payable to The Benji Hillman Foundation Account 601114.
IBAN IL 35-0126-6100-0000-0601-114, Swift code: POALILIT, should be sent to BANK HAPOALIM Branch 661 – 112 Ahuza Street, Ra’anana.

UK Donations
Credit Card Online
Please send your cheque made out to “JNF (The Benji Hillman Foundation)” to: JNF Charitable Trust, Mountcliff House154 Brent Street London NW4 2BF. Do you want to “Gift Aid” your donation? **
* * Gift Aid * * If you are a UK taxpayer making a private donation (rather than a charity voucher, company cheque or corporate gift), we can claim back 25% from the HMRC on top of your donation if you fill in a gift aid form. Please indicate if this applies to you and we will forward you the relevant gift aid form.
Direct Bank Transfer
Direct bank transfers made out to “JNF (The Benji Hillman Foundation)” should be sent to Barclays Bank, 95 Church Road, London, NW4 4FE – A/c 60226556, Sort code 20-77-67. IBAN GB84 BARC 2077 6760 2265 56, Swift code BARCGB22. Do you want to Gift Aid your donation? **
* * Gift Aid * * If you are a UK taxpayer making a private donation (rather than a charity voucher, company cheque or corporate gift), we can claim back 25% from the HMRC on top of your donation if you fill in a gift aid form. Please indicate if this applies to you and we will forward you the relevant gift aid form.

Australia Donations
Credit Card Online
Direct Bank Transfer
Direct bank transfers may be sent to National Australia Bank (NAB). Bank transfers should be made out to Chai Charitable Foundation Ltd, BSB 083-028. Account: 580178146. Please add “for HaBayit Shel Benji” in the comments.
Please send an email to (with a cc to letting them know that you sent a donation by EFT for The Benji Hillman Foundation with the date you sent the transfer and the amount.